Thursday 9 January 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

We're already into the second week of 2014, and I've yet to do a proper reflection of 2013 D: Been busy planning and preparing for Daddy Li's birthday..but now that it's over I think it's about time to really realize that it's 2014 and for some things on my to-do list be checked off!

Well 2013 wasn't a bad year for me. Neither was it over the top fantastic. I feel pretty happy about how the year turned out. Though I didn't achieve as much as my peers or the typical youth my age, but I find it to be a very rewarding year. 

Rewarding in that a large portion of my time was spent with Kaitlin. The first half was spent busy finding her preschool and dealing with the emotions and endless list of worries that came along with it. Then she transitioned to half day pre school and I witnessed lots of other milestones. 

In Sept, Daddy Li was done with serving the nation. Finally we were done with being tied down and having to adapt to him being on and off around. It was definitely something worth celebrating as we got through the two years as a family, and I was might proud of my other half. It kind of made me felt like if we could get through that, I don't see why we can't get through anything else.

And for me personally, I did achieve a little something. Like I said, whatever I've done in 2013 isn't a great achievement but I still think that it was better than nothing at all. Well I got this blog started. It used to be a personal blog, but now I've got a .com and I just hope to document Kaitlin's growing years and to share it with the people who care and also to share our experiences as parents. I found the Internet to be a very useful resource whenever I wasn't sure what I should do. Reading the blogs of fellow parents not only taught me many new things about parenting, but also made me feel more reassured about my role as a mom, my way of bringing up Kaitlin and my decision to be a stay-at-home mom.

I think you could also consider raising a toddler an achievement right? I think people definitely need to give moms more credit, whether we are working or not. Working moms have to go out to work in the day, and back home they have to fulfill their motherly duties. Stay-at-home moms have a 24hr job. We don't just sit around and watch the kids. We have to prepare the meals, feed them, shower them, change their diapers. That's just the minimum and the list goes on. Plus, I do think that waking your grumpy toddler up, showering and feeding her plus getting yourself ready and all out of the house in an hour is not an easy skill to master. Not forgetting, dealing with tantrums is also some sort of art of war. Just like how you work for your boss, I too work for one. Just that mine's 2 years old, and your's is 42. 

So yes, I'm just going to put behind whatever happened in 2013 and just start anew in 2014. I'm kind of in this situation where there's lots I want to do, and I don't know where to begin. Yet, a part of me still feels a little comfy with how life's been and I'm not that willing to make changes. I'm the kind that just likes being comfortable with whatever's happening, and changes are something that I really like. That's something I definitely need to work on. I don't think I'm going to make any resolutions for 2014 for now. Probably by the time I do, it'll probably be March. But that's cos if I do want to make any resolutions, I want to be sure that I am ready to do it and won't give up halfway.

I guess that kind of concludes this post. A much needed post for myself to just reflect on the past year, and prepare myself for the new year ahead (a little late, yes I know..but we all function at our own pace right?). 

Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post. I'll be back to blogging normally soon! Till then, I just want to wish whoever's reading this a very Happy New Year and that they 2014 will be a fantastic year for you. 

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