Tuesday 16 September 2014

Two-year-old no more!

Today's the last day that Kaitlin's a two-year-old!

Took this picture of her just this afternoon! The babygirl's fever is gone, but she's still having a sore throat. Well as you can tell, that ain't going to stop her from having fun!

As with every year, I always can't help but feel sentimental. It's amazing how she was once in my belly, and then we welcomed her into our lives. Now, she's a super active toddler with a mind of her own.

Just like last year, Kaitlin has fallen sick just before her birthday. She had a fever last year, and now it's happening again. I was fearing this might happen and it did D: Having a child down with fever + toddler tantrums + planning her birthday is not exactly the best combination. It's been a tough and tiring last few days. I'm thankful that I actually had pockets of time to rest cos the first few nights that Kaitlin was ill, I barely had sleep. If I wasn't looking after her, I was worrying about her and if not thinking about her birthday.

Speaking of which, now that her birthday is just tomorrow and her celebration with her godparents is happening this Saturday, I feel completely unprepared for it and I feel like I need to do more but I really don't know what else or how else I can do more.

What I really want now for the babygirl is to recover fast. It ain't fun to be sick and I can imagine how awful it must feel at times. I guess now when she throws her tantrums, I should be thankful for it cos it at least shows that she has some sort of energy in her, if not I would be worrying alot. And on the tantrums, oh my..I really hope the tantrums die down. Maybe perhaps...when she turns three..there will be no more tantrums! Well, I know that's hoping for alot..but no harm hoping. I really miss our days where we would just laugh and have loads of fun, and where we could communicate easily and she would understand what I'm trying to tell her. Now it's mostly her way, or she'll start being angry. Of course, I'm not going to lie I do get really mad at times :(

Oh babygirl, you grow up so fast! No longer mommy's baby. I hope that even as the years go by, our relationship will still be strong, and we'll be just as close. Can't wait to wish you a very Happy Birthday when you wakey tmr (though you probably would be cranky) and shower you with lots of extra love cos it's your special day!


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