Thursday 3 September 2015

Kaitlin is 47 Months Old!

August was a month of quite a few firsts for Kaitlin, especially ones that revolved our nation turning 50 years old! Kaitlin was so into National Day and Singapore, like really patriotic singing and dancing to Singapore Town every other day, and not just once but a few times and performing for us + getting us to dance along with her. When she sees SG50 logos or the words, she'll go "Mommy! SG50!" which as you know that can be seen like almost everywhere when you step out of the house so when I don't respond to it cos it's so frequent she'll keep saying it till I respond. She even watched most of the NDP parade telecast at home without getting bored which she usually does when she watches a show for too long. Not just that, she would get up from where she is sitting and sing/dance to songs she knew. Super patriotic this girl, definitely a SG baby and well I guess you can say Singapore sure did a great job in getting people into the National Day spirit cos Kaitlin was so into it!


Stayed at a suite (Even I didn't get that luxury when I was so young! Thanks to the upgrade at Fullerton Bay Hotel)
Slept on a separate bed at the hotel
Watched the NDP Fireworks
Walked on the Jubilee Bridge
Went to Marina Barrage for and had a picnic there
Saw Black Knights aerial display
Performed for National Day Celebrations in school where she said the Pledge and sang the National Anthem
Watched the Garden Rhapsody at Gardens By The Bay
Went to the Singapore Orchid Garden

Kaitlin's more brave now and would explore. e.g touching the different parts of the plants to feel if they are rough or smooth
Has started to tease
She has a mind of her own and doesn't always listen to instructions
Babygirl likes being silly
Have been starting to get some feedback that Kaitlin's been talking during lesson and being a little rough
She has increased knowledge about plants. Knows different parts of plants like seed, seedlings, roots, stems, flowers and fruits.
Understands what is needed for a plant to grow - water, sunlight and air
She can recognise distinct flowers like rose, sunflower and tulip

Kaitlin is able to do simple addition
Likes to do dot-to-dot and maze activities
She is able to trace out her Chinese name and knows the names of the strokes
Eats durian on her own
The bub likes to hit the pool and recently she'll ask us to bring her
Loves Snapchat! Enjoys doodling, choosing emojis and watching herself after that

This post is so late that I'm already able to count the days that she's turning 4! She's really growing up so fast and I've been noticing and also getting feedback that Kaitlin's really growing how she is livelier in school (i think nice word for getting excited and maybe a little rowdy) and is more vocal (that means loud! screaming/shouting). I guess in a way it's a good improvement cos she used to be quiet and keep to herself in school, now I just have to find a way to teach her when's the right time to talk/play and when she should listen and behave herself.

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