Tuesday 9 June 2015

May [ in pictures ]

We're at the mid-way mark of the year! How did that happen?! Time passes so fast, even though at times I wonder why time passes so slowly and I wish it would go by faster but like in a very general sense I always feel like it's passing way too fast. Like this post for instance. It's already almost 10 days into June and it is only now that I'm posting this up! I feel so guilty to myself that I've been neglecting this blog :(

May was a pretty good month. Of course there were a fair share of issues, but that was always made better with meet-ups with friends and even better when it is over yummy noms :) Speaking of which I think my Instagram has been having more food updates lately :9 :X There were also a couple of firsts for the bub in May too!

On Mother's Day, I had a tiff with Daddy Li -.- but well he made up for it later on. K's school also had a high-tea session for the mommies so we got to watch the kids put a short performance for us and bonded with them over dancing and games. I'm very happy that I've been able to spend another year celebrating Mother's Day. Definitely not something that I could celebrate at this age if I didn't have Kaitlin. So while there are tough days and tougher days, in a crazy kind of way I'm happy for them and even happier on days where there are less tantrums (notice how I didn't say no instead of less, but we'll get there eventually, I hope!) and the rare days when life feels like it's somewhat falling into place but only lasts for (half)a day at most. Well that's Motherhood right? Lots of curveballs and you just have to constantly find ways to deal with it. I really can't be more thankful that Kaitlin's in my life and that she's growing up pretty alright, mostly healthy and reasonably comfortable!

There have been a few changes here and there, and now that we're at the mid-way mark of the year..I'm not quite sure how I should deal with them. I'm not a fan of change, I don't really like it when life feels unstable or there's no definite answer or solution to problems. It annoys me and I get upset or I notice that I just end up responding to it by not caring and leaving the problem hanging. I know. It's a terrible thing to do but I guess I go to a stage where I've given up and there's no longer any drive in me to do anything about it. While on that note, I do definitely want to try to settle as many things as I can before more issues start piling up, or where I go into a situation where I can no longer do certain things that I had intended to do.

For now, I've already got a handful of things on my "die die must-do" list! So well the upcoming days in June will be spent on that and maybe a wee bit of GSS shopping cos yes the shopaholic in me just can't resist :X

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